Specialist committees in the A-TWG
A-TWG members may suggest the creation of Specialist Committees (SCs) to do more in-depth research, analysis, and deliberation around an issue or data and knowledge gaps that have been identified by the group. SCs will be supported by the facilitators of the A-TWG and are to be comprised of stakeholders with specific technical expertise and who can provide geographic and/or sectoral balance, as needed. Specialist Committee members will be appointed based on their relevant subject-matter expertise or first-hand knowledge and experience with the topic under consideration. Specialist Committees should aim for a limited number of core members (approximately 6 to 8) ready and willing to do the work. SC members may include non-A-TWG members as recommended and approved by the A-TWG.
Smart siting scorecard specialist committee
NYSERDA has developed the Smart Solar Siting Scorecard to 1) provide a tool to address multiple solar siting considerations and site management practices from the perspective of environmental, agricultural, and climate interests and 2) to provide criteria for renewable energy developers to consider in siting future projects, and include within project design, operations and maintenance, and decommissioning plans to encourage a balanced approach between renewable energy siting and other New York State policies, goals, and objectives. The Scorecard Specialist Committee provides input to NYSERDA on what avoidance and minimization approach to reduce impacts on these lands and how to value these approaches in a Scorecard format.
Meeting Materials
October 7, 2021- Agenda 10/7/21 [PDF] | Presentation 10/7/21 [PDF]
November 12, 2021- Agenda 11/12/21 [PDF] | Presentation 11/12/21 [PDF]
December 14, 2021- Agenda 12/14/21 [PDf] | Presentation 12/14/21 [PDF]
January 4, 2022- Agenda 1/4/22 [PDF] | Presentation 1/4/22 [PDF]
January 9, 2023- Agenda 1/9/23 [PDF] | Presentation 1/9/23 [PDF]
March 21, 2023- Agenda 3/21/23 [PDF] | Presentation 3/21/23 [PDF]
April 13, 2023 (Forestry Stakeholders) - Agenda 4/13/23 [PDF] | Presentation 4/13/23 [PDF]
May 16, 2023 - Agenda 5/16/23 [PDF] | Presentation 5/16/23 [PDF]
June 7, 2023 - Agenda 6/7/23 [PDF] | Presentation 6/7/23 [PDF]
March 8, 2024 (Forestry Stakeholders) - Presentation 3/8/24 [PDF]
April 5, 2024 - Agenda 4/5/24 | Presentation 4/5/24
January 11, 2025 - Agenda 1/16/25 [PDF] | Presentation 1/16/25 [PDF]
January 22, 2025 (Forestry Stakeholders) - Agenda 1/22/25 [PDF] | Presentation 1/22/25 [PDF]
February 13, 2025 - Agenda 2/13/25 [PDF] | Presentation 2/13/25 [PDF]
Additional A-TWG Meeting Information can be found here [Web Page].